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PSC Company Overview

PSC is a leading PCI and PA DSS assessor and Approved Scanning Vendor. PSC is one of an elite few companies qualified globally to provide expert services and solutions to organizations that require specialist compliance or consulting support in the areas of Payments, Security or Compliance.

PSC’s focus is exclusively on Clients that accept or process payments or technology companies in the payment industry. All staff at PSC have either worked within large merchant/retail organizations or services providers. Each executive at PSC has held executive management positions with responsibilities for payments and security.

PSC is certified with the PCI Security Standards Council as a:

  • Qualified Security Assessor Company (QSAC)
  • 3D Secure Assessor Company (3DS)


PSC’s approach includes a high-touch, hands-on methodology, that helps guide our Clients from consideration of strategic alternatives all the way through implementation and sustaining activities. The PSC team works closely with Clients to understand their objectives, produce pragmatic and actionable plans and aid in execution as required.


PSC’s Clients include:

  • Major financial institutions
  • Domestic and Global Retail Organizations and Manufacturers
  • Internet merchants, retailers, direct marketing and mail order
  • Service providers who accept, store or transmit payments
  • Payment service organizations
  • Third-party processors
  • ISOs, merchant and payment service providers
  • Accounting and audit firms
  • Software publishers
  • Technology companies
  • Startups and emerging technologies